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Month: Januar 2021

First things done in 2021!

First things done in 2021!

Today I finished painting four cargo loads for the Zvezda Ural 4320 Truck in 15mm. Not really much to do on them but it’s a good feeling to get something done this early in the year.

These pieces are a very nice addition to an already great model suitable for many different settings.

I already had four of the truck models, ordered in around 2015, when I found these loads on sandsmodels.com. In addition they offer a conversion kit for an office body which makes a very nice comand vehicle. At that time, in 2017 or 18 maybe, they also sold models of the Ural and so I snatched four loads, the office body and a fifth Ural in one order.
The four cargo trucks and the comand truck were already finished one or two years ago.

A very nice convoy ready to get ambushed by some partisans or special forces teams! 🙂