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Category: Terrain

Kill Team Scenery

Kill Team Scenery

Hobby time during the last three days was spent completely on Kill Team scenery. Everything I own, besides of the items from the Kill Team Arena box, was still on sprue, left to build and paint in the boxes: buildings and ruins from the Sector Fronteris box, the Servo Haulers from the Ork starter box, Krogskull’s Boys, and (Surprise! Surprise!) a Wall of Martyrs from the Tau starter box, Advance Team Starpulse.

The Sector Fronteris worked out quite nicely and will also be useful in Star Wars: Legion games. I like especially the rusty main colour, originally Army Painter Fur Brown spray.

The Servo Haulers are not finished yet. They were given only a black primer with another basecoat of Team Yankee Chieftain Green. I guess I will take my time to paint these because I really started to like them while building. With some special rules they can bring a lot of fun in scenarios. But why did I use this colour?

Unfortunately I had two cans of the Chieftain Green and both are leaky as you can see from the pictures.

I already had this problem with other brands and it’s not a question of age. I have much older cans which are still tight. Whatever, I have to use them up as quickly as possible and so I used the spray on the haulers and the wall. In the end, I think, the colour is not bad at all as it brings a dirty look of decay with it

The Wall of Martyrs is not a piece that I fancy at all. Too many skeletons and awkward iconography that are so… well, 40K! But someone left that literally at my door step and ran away. I thought about selling or just dumping it but in the end I decided otherwise. Let see what I can make of it.

Side mission…

Side mission…

The last few weeks I managed to built and paint the scenery items from the Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team Arena box. Not a very exciting project but it’s nice to see some things getting done quickly.

The whole set plus two boxes on the left.

The whole set consists of 8 Promethium/oil barrels, 2 plasma barrels, 12 big and 8 smaller boxes, 2 industrial pipes and 10 doors. Two additional boxes seen in the picture are from the Sector Fronteris box.
Instead of the colourful schemes shown in the Arena rulebook, I used rather dull and dirty colours which, to my mind, fit the 40k-atmosphere much more. This way, I hope, they will also fit with other games like Special Ops or Zona Alfa without looking completely out of place.

Barrels and boxes to take cover behind.

The main aim was to get things done quickly. The industrial tubes got a basecoat of Army Painter Platemail spray followed by Army Painter Quickshade Strong tone… something that I didn’t use in years.

More cover.

The doors were basecoated with Army Painter German Grey spray, followed by Army Painter Quickshade Soft tone. First I wanted to finish at this point but I added some details for contrast.

Watch out what’s behind, Phil!

Of course the doors are crying for even more details like blood smears or bullet holes on them but I keep that for a later date.
Though not a demanding paintjob, these pieces will add lots of depth and detail to a battleboard. For now I call this side project finished as there are too many other things in the making.

Leopard Dropship – 3D printed

Leopard Dropship – 3D printed

So, this was a try to 3D-print a Leopard dropship for BattleTech. It was printed in one session and to save time I changed the settings to a lower resolution than recommended. Still, printing took more than twelve hours but it turned out resolution was much too low.

The Leopard can carry up to four Mechs into Battle.

Additionally, the bright blue colour of the filament does not really fit the topic and gives it a rather cheap toyish look. However, I still think, with some paint on it, it will still do the job as a scenic craft that came down just too hard in the midst of battle and lost a fin in the process.

The Leopard dropship as shown in Technical Readout 3025.

Again, thingiverse was the treasure chest where I found this 3D-model. Models for Orion and Overlord can also be found there but I’m not so sure if I will give it a try.

Nuclear Power Plant… 3D-printed

Nuclear Power Plant… 3D-printed

The printing files for this outstanding piece of wargaming terrain are available on thingiverse.com along with several other very nice models for small-scale wargames like BattleTech or Epic. FOR FREE!!! So a big thank-you to all the designers who share their models with people who are not so gifted in computer-aided design (CAD).
The Nuclear Power Plant consists of three different buildings: an office building, a reactor facility and a cooling tower. 3D-printing can sometimes be tricky. The reactor facility took me three attempts unless I had a finished model, however, the office building and the tower caused no problems at all. The cooling tower alone is a massive thing, more than twice as tall as a BattleMech on the field.

While the cooling tower has the definite eye-catching ability, smaller and simpler designs help to make the terrain much more diverse and to bring more tactial options to the game. The Expendable Office Building is only one example of many simpler designs which can be found on thingiverse.

One building takes one to two hours to print and  can be expanded with additional printouts. In the picture you see one main building and one expansion attached to it. I can already see complete city blocks made of these. Printed in grey filament it is not really necessary to paint them, I think, but glueing them on some hex bases might be a good idea. But for now they are awaiting their first battle…