Welcome 2025

Welcome 2025

Someone told me a story recently:

„An old woman left her house very morning and took a handful of beans in her left pocket with her. Whenever something good or nice happened to her, she put one bean from the left into her right pocket. This way she always remembered how many good things happened to her during the day when she counted the beans in her right pocket at the end of the day.“

Now, what is that good for hobbywise?

Beans in my right pocket:

  • painted some HeroQuest models early last year but did not finish the whole lot
  • played and finished the Karakvan campaign
  • started to build and paint four Warhounds for Adeptus Titanicus, but still in its early stage, while doing this reaaranged the models from Epic I left in boxes three years ago after a Crete trip
  • played a handful of games BattleTech
  • played Zomicide for the first time in 2nd edition
  • played Bloodbowl for the first time in my life
  • started to play the first few scenarios for Jaws of the Lion
  • prepared and played the first two scenarios of StarGrave
  • resumed 3D-printing, did quiet a few buildings, finishing the ones I left a few years ago
  • played Team Yankee (GDW) the first time
  • purchased several old GDW cosims from the First Battle- and Assault-series

Beans in my left pocket (Plans for 2025, that is!)
  • finishing the four Warhounds and two additional Reaver for Adeptus Titanicus
  • play Adeptus Titanicus
  • play Team Yankee (GDW), also on VASSAL
  • continue playing Jaws of the Lion
  • start planning, preparing and playing WW III in 6mm
  • painting Steel Legion army squad
  • painting Oldhammer Halfling snipers
  • painting Steel Legion army collection
  • doing some scale-modelling by the way

So let’s see what 2025 will bring…

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