Zombicide – Wanda and Phil finished… eventually!!!

Zombicide – Wanda and Phil finished… eventually!!!

This paintwork already started several weeks ago and after a long pause I added the last streaks of paint and varnish last night to get it finally done. Usually I don’t like longer pauses between painting sessions on one project because you start to lose „the feeling“ for the miniature. However, this time it just happened due to several reasons. Now we are generally satisfied with the result.

Survivor Phil and his deader counterpart.
The undead proof: Zombivors can skate.

These are the first Survivors and Zombivors we finished for Zombicide. We, that is my better half and I, started to paint all Zombicide-minis in our possession at the beginning of this year – our first joint painting project. 🙂 We started with the zombies from Prison Outbreak and went on with the zombies from the core box. With one exception: we saved the Mutants for a later time. Nevertheless, that is nearly a hundred zombie-minis so far.

The inspiration for colours and painting techniques came from different youtube-videos. It’s astonishing how artistically some people are able to paint miniatures and how much effort they put into producing videos about it. Thanks, guys!

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