Side mission…

Side mission…

The last few weeks I managed to built and paint the scenery items from the Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team Arena box. Not a very exciting project but it’s nice to see some things getting done quickly.

The whole set plus two boxes on the left.

The whole set consists of 8 Promethium/oil barrels, 2 plasma barrels, 12 big and 8 smaller boxes, 2 industrial pipes and 10 doors. Two additional boxes seen in the picture are from the Sector Fronteris box.
Instead of the colourful schemes shown in the Arena rulebook, I used rather dull and dirty colours which, to my mind, fit the 40k-atmosphere much more. This way, I hope, they will also fit with other games like Special Ops or Zona Alfa without looking completely out of place.

Barrels and boxes to take cover behind.

The main aim was to get things done quickly. The industrial tubes got a basecoat of Army Painter Platemail spray followed by Army Painter Quickshade Strong tone… something that I didn’t use in years.

More cover.

The doors were basecoated with Army Painter German Grey spray, followed by Army Painter Quickshade Soft tone. First I wanted to finish at this point but I added some details for contrast.

Watch out what’s behind, Phil!

Of course the doors are crying for even more details like blood smears or bullet holes on them but I keep that for a later date.
Though not a demanding paintjob, these pieces will add lots of depth and detail to a battleboard. For now I call this side project finished as there are too many other things in the making.

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