Dirty old box

Dirty old box

It doesn’t know it yet. But it has to go!

But before that, what’s lurking inside?

Strangely coloured apparatus! Not so bad a paintjob for some teenagers in the early ’90s. Before mini painting became a science and youtubers revealing to us the newest and hottest techniques of how to paint your minis on a daily basis.

Let see what I can make of these. Maybe I will give it a try to strip off the paint. In any case, useful for destroyed Titans, scenery items and objectives. Also, I could practice some rearrangement of the torso on them. (Frankentitan?) The bases are really well done and in good condition. Maybe spare ones for bases in less good condition.
Until that time all that stuff goes into another box, old but not so dirty. That is the place where they once came from.

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